
"Climate change is not caused by humans. There is no climate emergency." - Guus Berkhout

Prof. Guus Berkhout (geophysics), President of Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL), an independent foundation that operates in the fields of #ClimateChange and climate policy and has recently published an open letter, signed by 700+ Scientists and professionals declaring that there is no #ClimateEmergency. https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/ -- #ChristianNotPacifist Watch Pastor Paweł Chojecki's (the most controversial Pastor in Poland) preaching about how to drive communists out of Christian Churches: Intro: https://youtu.be/-FrNkqTzXXU ::Full recordings:: How to drive communists out of our Churches: https://youtu.be/DWLETgS4wK8 The Communists Want to Subvert You!: https://youtu.be/d9fccewM548 State Idolatry: https://youtu.be/Ei8pdB5eVOY Globalism, how does GOD see it: https://youtu.be/1d1-yqaNoOY All of Pastor Paweł's teachings and interviews in English https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTVU7uXBYEWT_bLIZwGAsNMdJz37p5Nc7 -- Please Share and Like. http://megachurch.pl/ https://www.facebook.com/polandgreatagain/ https://twitter.com/AgainstTideTV https://www.instagram.com/polandgreatagain/ Go Against the Tide TV https://youtube.com/idzpodpradtv http://idzpodprad.pl https://www.facebook.com/idzpodprad/ https://twitter.com/idzpodpradpl https://idzpodprad.pl/wsparcie/ for support and a full list of our donors To support our Television: http://megachurch.pl/ Kod BIC (Swift): BPKOPLPW IBAN: PL 81 1020 2964 0000 6502 0045 8331

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