
Did Czechoslovakia overthrow Communism in 1989? Russian & Chinese influence in Czech. Ondřej Kolář.

Ondřej Kolář mayor of Prague 6 (largest district), talks about the overthrow of Communism in 1989, and current Russian and Chinese influence in Czech. Mr. Kolář received death threats from Russian politicians and is under police and intelligence services protection. He joined us for our 6th annual Against the Tide television conference, to tell us about his experience in opposing communism in his country. -- #ChristianNotPacifist Watch Pastor Paweł Chojecki's (the most controversial Pastor in Poland) preaching about how to drive communists out of Christian Churches: Intro: https://youtu.be/-FrNkqTzXXU ::Full recordings:: How to drive communists out of our Churches: https://youtu.be/DWLETgS4wK8 The Communists Want to Subvert You!: https://youtu.be/d9fccewM548 State Idolatry: https://youtu.be/Ei8pdB5eVOY Globalism, how does GOD see it: https://youtu.be/1d1-yqaNoOY All of Pastor Paweł's teachings and interviews in English https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTVU7uXBYEWT_bLIZwGAsNMdJz37p5Nc7 -- Please Share and Like. http://megachurch.pl/ https://www.facebook.com/polandgreatagain/ https://twitter.com/AgainstTideTV https://www.instagram.com/polandgreatagain/ Go Against the Tide TV https://youtube.com/idzpodpradtv http://idzpodprad.pl https://www.facebook.com/idzpodprad/ https://twitter.com/idzpodpradpl https://idzpodprad.pl/wsparcie/ for support and a full list of our donors To support our Television: http://megachurch.pl/ Kod BIC (Swift): BPKOPLPW IBAN: PL 81 1020 2964 0000 6502 0045 8331

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