
The former director in Yad Vashem: The Polish Righteous are the bravest!

“The Polish Righteous took the greatest risk hiding Jews during WWII”, Mordecai Paldiel, former director of Yad Vashem's Department of the Righteous in Against Tide TV #Auschwitz75 #WorldHolocaustForum ---- Please Share and Like Go Against the Tide TV https://youtube.com/idzpodpradtv http://idzpodprad.pl https://www.facebook.com/idzpodprad/ https://twitter.com/idzpodpradpl https://idzpodprad.pl/wsparcie/ for support and a full list of our donors To support our Television: Kod BIC (Swift): BPKOPLPW IBAN: PL 81 1020 2964 0000 6502 0045 8331

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